Happy Thanksgiving!

In the United States, today is Thanksgiving Day! It’s a day traditionally celebrated with family, over-gluttonous amounts of food, and people sitting around a table/room saying what they are thankful to God for. Today, my “I’m thankful for…” list is pretty simple. 

1. I’m thankful for no fat comments.

That was easy.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! 😀



People are Reading!

In two days, my last post  “Being Nigerian & Single” [see archives], has gained over 300 views! I’m not a professional blogger by any definition and I don’t think I’ve ever even had double digit daily views before. I’m extremely excited about it.

Thank you to everyone and anyone who is reading this right now. What I wrote as a simple outlet of my feelings about the lack of marital status struggle, many people, Nigerian and non, from all ages, on different continents, have been able to relate to! That tells me I am not by myself.

All the likes, shares, features, and comments have made me feel kinda like a celebrity. But I know I’m not. I’m just a 21-year-old girl expressing herself. That’s about it.

If you have stumbled upon this post, this page, or this site…I encourage you to look around and ultimately follow!

I have much to say about many things. Stay and read a while…


P.S. If you’d like to reach out to me, please feel free! I’d love to “meet” you.

15. Go to my favorite artist/band’s concert.

I’ve begun checking off my “before I turn 30” bucket list!

Shannon and I holding up our “Upfront with United” stickers after the experience. Don’t we look happy?

Number 15 on the list, “Go to my favorite artist/band’s concert.” has been completed! Today, Monday, November 18, I attended a concert for one of my favorite Christian bands, Hillsong United. When I wrote the list, I didn’t have this band or, honestly, this genre of music in mind. But when I found out about the concert, I decided since this would be a time to be with Jesus in a venue like that, it trumped any other band.artist I could go and see.

Let me tell you…It was an experience like no other. Complete with concert lighting and graphics, I worshipped and praised God. I had a great time. It was amazing. One of my best friends, Shannon[pictured], attended the concert/experience with me.

When we bought our tickets 3 days ago, on Friday(is that considered 4 days?), Shannon and I were SO excited. It’s such a blessing to be excited and happy about the opportunity to fellowship and worship in an arena filled with people from everywhere and anywhere. To my right and left were strangers, but in that place there was no difference between us. People of all denominations, colors, creeds, genders, shapes, ages, and sizes came together for a few hours because of a simple common denominator: the love and salvation we have all found in Jesus Christ. 

With our hands lifted high, our voices ringing in the coliseum, and a heart open for a word from Him, we were a nation. We were a church. We were Zion. It was an incredible feeling. This is one bucket list item that I won’t mind crossing off many times over.

hillsong 2013 1

Hillsong: Young & Free and Hillsong United, God bless you.
